Photography by: Coralie Nairn, Connie Ellis and Photos by Jess
General Rules
* Please Download Full Rule Book to read the complete list of rules and regulations that apply to The Skills of the Outfits or any other CBA event.*
The following rules and class descriptions were created by Miles Kingdon and with the consultation of “The Crew” for the purpose of showing respect to our horses, livestock and facilities as well as to preserve the traditions and educate people in the beauty, efficiency and art of the Working Bridled Stockhorse. It is only a gimps of the rules that guide this event, designed to give you a taste of the Skills of the Outfits' guiding principles.
1. From the time riders enter the arena until they leave, all horses and cattle are expected to be treated like they are under the ownership of the judge, who is taking the place of “Cow Boss”. Riders should conduct themselves as though they are trying out for a job on his crew.
2. All decisions by the judge are final and not to be contested by anyone.
3. Riders are encouraged to dress themselves in typical cowboy/buckaroo fashion such as they have. Extra points will not be given for this, however, extra points WILL be given for:
Choosing to show your horse smoothly over just getting a job done.
Showing respect for the livestock and facilities, such as: choosing to excuse yourself in order to save the cattle if they should become stressed enough that they begin to pose a threat to themselves emotionally or physically.
4. No horse under the age of 4 years old may be shown at the Skills of the Outfits or any other Canadian Bridlehorse Association event.
Rider’s Attire
Riders are expected to show respect to the judges and the other competitors through dressing appropriately and with consideration for tradition.
Full length pants
Boots with a heel
Long sleeve shirt
Cowboy hats
Leggings (chaps or armitas) are preferred but not required.
*** All gear, no matter what it is, is to be used with respect and consideration for the horse who wears it. The judges reserve the right to determine if “excessive force” or “unfair usage” has occurred and any rider who is found to be using excessive force or unfairly using their equipment will be asked to leave the competition by way of disqualification. Any entry fees will be forfeited.***
Preferred Equipment
Hackamore/Bosal: Must be made of leather or rawhide with rawhide or rope core.
Two-Rein: Horses in the two-rein must be 5 years of age or older with a full set of teeth.Two hands are permitted on the under-bridle ONLY and only if necessary.
Californio Style Bridle Bit with leather chin strap.Romel reins with chains.Neck or get-down rope required with this set up.
Californio Style Spade Bit is preferred and encouraged.
Single or double jointed snaffle bits, loose ring or fixed as well as other western leverage bits will be accepted as well, however, special acknowledgement and reward in the form of bonus points will be given to those who are showing the time, effort and skill needed to prepare a horse to show in the equipment mentioned above.
Outlawed Equipment
Chain chin straps are not permitted.
Cable core or other unforgiving core material hackamores are not permitted.
Twisted mouth-pieces or mouth-pieces made up of more than 3 sections are not permitted.
Tie downs, running martingales or other “training” gimmicks are not permitted.
Gag bits and mechanical hackamores are not permitted.
Any equipment that is used in an unfair or cruel way will not be permitted.
The Judges reserve the right to excuse any rider deemed to be using their equipment in an unfair or cruel manner and will not be disputed.